I love teaching about painted hands, it is such a wonderful way to use your body art skills and let rip with your imagination. Many of my commerical jobs feature painted hand looks of many different kinds. During the class we explored painted hands inthe media and spent time examining hand art by a range of artists.
With the students feeling suitably inspired, I decided to allow empower the students to each create paint thier own hands to collage together into a our own verson of a painting. I chose the image
Tiger Surprised by Henri Rousseau to inspire the students and guided them through creating thier own looks to jigsaw together into a finished look.
The results were amazing, the students showed some really excellent work! Especally my youngest student - my 7 year old daughter, Isobel, who was shadowing her Mummy for the day! Here is a selection of the different looks we created. Well done everyone!!
If you are interested in taking a painted hands class I will be running one at the
FABAIC Convention in Orlando at the end of May. Hope to see you there!!
To view more images of my work visit my website at